Diana Navarro Lins
1 min readMar 15, 2022


Hi! Today is March 15th 2022 and yesterday I started a series of videos on Instagram Reels. I decided to call it Naturally Speaking.

The whole idea behind this is to be teaching people English-y things I never knew existed until I decided to live abroad.

As a foreigner from a non-English speaking country there were (and still are) a lot of things that I don't know about the language. However, I noticed that after two years of primarily speaking it in my day to day life (both at home and at work)… I picked up quite a few things that I have never ever seen been taught in classrooms.

And I thought "well, they might be useful to someone else, right?". And what better way to teach them and spread knowledge than through social media? Yeah, there's a lot of shitty stuff happening on the internet and there's a lot of misinformation out there but there are still some nice things! There are still lovely and amazing ways to use the power of being connected to strangers, we just need to know how to use it.

And this is me trying.

You can follow me on instagram.com/diananavarrolins for my videos or just stick around for English-y things in text form.

See you later!



Diana Navarro Lins

26 year old brazilian living in Dublin and writing about it.